Request for

Logo Design for

Asian Recovery Network

Earn USD250 for the logo design that we choose from your submissions.

The closing date is 15th January 2024.

Download the ARN Logo Design Creative Brief

    How to participate in the logo design

    Register your interest in submitting your logo design by emailing [email protected] with the following details. Your email subject line is “ARN Logo Design”. Please provide the following info in your email:

    • Full name as in your national identity card.
    • Nationality
    • National identity card number or number of valid passport.
    • If you’re in recovery, state the number of years
    • Phone contact number, and email address

    Logo Design objectives

    Create a compelling and impactful logo for the Asian Recovery Network that effectively communicates ARN’s mission, and brand personality as described in the creative brief.

    The logo should be unique, resonate with people who are on a journey to overcome drug addiction, and serve the purpose of the logo as described in the creative brief. It should convey a sense of hope, an uplifting spirit of renewal, and strength from rising together across Asia.

    What to be produced

    • Main logo: A complete logo uniting typography and symbol/icon.
    • Icon/symbol: A standalone symbol that can be used independently, maintaining recognition.
    • Image formats: Versions of the images in PNG, JPEG, WEBP, and Vector (EPS, AI, and PDF), with and without background.
    • Image resolution: Images to be produced in various resolutions for use on large outdoor prints (higher than 300dpi), brochures, flyers, merchandise, website, and social media.
    • Color variations: Versions of the logo in full color and grayscale.
    • Typography guidelines: Clear specification for typography used in the logo and installable font file.

    Design elements to consider

    • Symbolism: Represent connection, strength in togetherness, growth, support and renewal.
    • Typography: A typography style that complements the overall logo design and conveys a sense of approachability, yet strength.
    • Color palette: Evoke emotions of hope, positivity, and strength. Avoid overly bright, aggressive colors.
    • Iconography: Create an iconic element that can be used separately from the text, serving as a recognizing symbol for the organization.
    • Asian influence: Incorporate subtle elements inspired by Asian culture or symbolism to emphasize our regional focus.
    • Language: English

    Key messages to convey

    • Recovery and renewal: Reflect positive change, growth, and renewal that individuals experience through their recovery journey.
    • Hope and resilience: Instill a feeling of hope strength, and resilience, inspiring individuals to overcome challenges and embrace a brighter future.
    • Unity and connection: symbolize the coming together of people from diverse backgrounds and cultures across Asia, sharing a common journey of recovery.

    Download the creative brief for the logo design


    +60 16 250 8425
    [email protected]


    To be updated